4 Ways to Maintain Good Habits

4 Ways to Maintain Good Habits
Good habits are continuous and automatic behaviors that have a positive impact on a person's life. Maintaining good habits requires consistency and high patience because someone who has successfully developed a good habit will eventually face boredom. Boredom is a feeling of dislike, disinterest, or laziness towards something because it has been experienced or done too often. Since good habits are behaviors that are done continuously, at some point, someone will feel bored when doing them.

In the book "Atomic Habits" by James Clear, the author provides insights into four ways to maintain good habits, which are :

1. Creating a Habit Monitoring Tool

A habit monitoring tool is a method aimed at measuring or monitoring whether we are performing a particular habit or not. A simple way to do this is to have a special calendar that can be marked every day when we successfully perform a habit. Another example is when we want to cultivate the habit of saving money every day, we can buy a piggy bank with a special design where we can make a cross mark each time we put money into it.

In addition to measuring whether a habit is carried out or not, a habit monitoring tool can provide a sense of inner satisfaction because a person naturally feels satisfied when they successfully do something positive or as expected.

2. Creating a Habit Contract 

A habit contract is a set of rules made to maintain a habit. In a habit contract, rewards and punishments are established if someone follows or violates a habit. When establishing rewards and punishments, they should be adjusted to each person's abilities. However, try to create rewards that make us interested in performing a habit and punishments that make us reluctant to violate a habit.

For example, for someone who wants to develop the habit of reading before bedtime, they could create a habit contract stating that if they don't read a book before bedtime, they have to treat their friends the next day. On the other hand, if they can consistently read a book before bedtime without interruption for a week, they will buy an item they desire.

3. Creating Partnerships to Mutual Support Habits

One of the most effective ways to maintain habits is to involve others in supporting each other's habits. Knowing that someone else is watching us can be the best motivator because, fundamentally, no one wants to appear as a failure in front of others. Examples of creating habit partnerships include joining specific communities, such as sports communities, and involving family, siblings, and friends as habit partners. Define with them what habits you want to maintain and how each person will contribute to supporting each other's habits.

4. Never Violate Twice

Even though we try to consistently maintain good habits, there are times when we are hindered from doing them. For example, due to illness or more important matters. If that happens, never violate or abandon that habit more than twice. Because if we violate a habit twice, it opens the door for a new habit to form. Therefore, instill in our minds that it's okay to violate a habit once for an important reason, but never allow it to happen twice.

Author: Mushpih Kawakibil Hijaj, writer on Penadiksi.

This text was translated from Indonesian to English using ChatGPT/Google Translate.
